

A Guide to Leveraging Social Media for Recruitment

In today’s digital age, recruiting top talent has transformed into a game of social media strategy. Gone are the days when a job posting on a single platform would suffice.
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A Comprehensive History of Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

Talent acquisition and recruitment have come a long way from the days of guilds and apprenticeships. This evolution reflects broader changes in society, technology, and business practices. Today, as we
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Talent Acquisition: Essential Strategies & Advanced Practices

In the fast-paced world of start-ups, attracting and retaining top talent can make or break your business. With the stakes this high, you can’t afford to rely on outdated recruitment
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10 Effective Recruitment Strategies

When it comes to talent acquisition and recruitment, businesses that have been operational for over a decade have unique challenges and opportunities. While having a strong foundation and a proven
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An Intro to Talent Acquisition and Recruitment for Startups

In the bustling world of startups, where every decision can make or break your business, one thing is crystal clear: people are your most valuable asset. Finding the right talent
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A Financial Model for Global Talent Sourcing

In the dynamic landscape where startups perpetually strive for innovation and sustainability, the pivotal balance between extending the financial runway and acquiring essential talent comes to the forefront. The financial
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Extending Startup Runway with Global Talent Sourcing Strategies

In the dynamic landscape where startups perpetually strive for innovation and sustainability, the pivotal balance between extending the financial runway and acquiring essential talent comes to the forefront. The financial
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Embracing On-Demand Talent: Navigating the Tech Industry’s Workforce Landscape

Discover the power of on-demand talent in the tech industry! Learn how software companies leverage gig economy advantages while facing challenges.
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Balancing Flexibility and Accountability in Remote Teams

Discover how to strike the perfect balance between flexibility and accountability in remote software work. Learn about building a flexible remote work culture, implementing effective remote work policies, and utilizing
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How to Make Remote Onboarding Easy

Discover the secrets to seamless remote onboarding in the tech industry! Explore virtual onboarding best practices, technology utilization, fostering employee engagement, and building a remote-friendly company culture. Unravel the opposing
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Mastering Remote Work Policies for Tech Companies

In this article, we'll explore how to craft an effective remote work policy that not only boosts productivity but also keeps your tech-savvy employees engaged and motivated.
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Strategies for Hiring and Managing Remote Employees

Discover the best practices for hiring and managing remote employees in the software industry. Learn effective remote recruitment strategies, remote employee management techniques, and tips for maximizing remote work productivity.
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Illustration depicting a laptop with a remote work setup, showcasing the benefits and challenges of remote work in software companies

Remote Work in Software Companies: A Techy Tale of Triumphs and Tribulations

Explore the pros and cons of remote work for software companies in the tech industry. Discover the benefits of a remote workforce and the challenges it presents. From increased productivity
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Illustration of diverse remote workers collaborating on laptops in a virtual environment.

Remote Work Revolution: How the Tech Industry Embraces a New Era of Connectivity and Challenges

In the ever-evolving landscape of work, the tech industry has emerged as a frontrunner in embracing remote employment. As the world continues to navigate the aftermath of a global pandemic,
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Illustration of remote workers representing the global reach of Employer of Record Service.

Unlocking Global Growth: The Power of Employer of Record Service for Global Companies

Discover the power of Employer of Record Service for global companies. Learn about the benefits, including streamlined payroll, compliance, and risk mitigation. Tap into local expertise and talent for successful
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man standing beside another sitting man using computer

How we built a recruitment agency, with zero recruiting experience.

In 2016, we founded Oneo, a digital community like no other. Our mission was clear: to bring together the best and brightest minds, curating a pool of exceptional talent that
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people sitting on chair in front of computer

Nurturing Employee Loyalty: Insights from Departing Employees

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, organizations must strive to understand the factors that contribute to employee departures. Recently, we had a meaningful conversation with a departing employee, providing invaluable
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man wearing white top using MacBook

7 Essential Strategies for Managing Stress & Burnout

Creating a successful product team requires an understanding of team dynamics, the benefits of a multidisciplinary team, and the importance of setting goals and objectives. It is important to foster
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three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard

Creating a Winning Team Through Innovative Leadership

Having the right leadership in place is essential for creating an effective team. Leaders should be able to recognize the potential of each team member and provide them with the
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talking people sitting beside table

Building the Ultimate Innovative Team: How to Create an Environment for Success

Building the ultimate innovative team requires a diverse group of individuals, clear roles and responsibilities, achievable goals and expectations, an open culture of collaboration, and an acceptance of failure. With
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man standing in front of group of men

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Networking in South Africa’s Startup Scene

Networking events in South Africa provide an ideal platform for entrepreneurs to meet, collaborate, and gain access to resources. This article explores the potential benefits and challenges of attending such
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two women sitting beside table and talking

How to Ace Your Next Interview: Preparing for the Big Day & What You Need to Know

Preparing for an interview is key to success, so it's important to take the necessary steps. Research the candidate, understand the job requirements, learn about the company's culture, and practice
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Working Remotely in South Africa

South Africa is a great destination for remote workers, with a range of benefits such as low cost of living, reliable infrastructure, and vibrant digital nomad communities. It's important to
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Exploring Global Recessions: The Risks, Rewards and Opportunities

Recessions can have devastating effects on businesses, individuals, and governments, but can also create opportunities for those with resources and foresight to capitalize on them. Governments can implement stimulus packages,
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desk globe on table

The Global Hiring Landscape: Challenges and Benefits

Navigating the global hiring landscape can offer businesses cost savings, increased diversity, and access to new markets, but also presents challenges such as compliance issues, cultural differences, and language barriers.
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black and white robot toy on red wooden table

AI-driven Recruitment: The Benefits, Challenges, and Ethical Considerations

AI-driven recruitment promises to make the recruitment process more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective, with faster decision-making, more accurate and consistent decisions, and cost savings. But there are certain challenges, such
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silver iMac displaying color gradient

Making It Big as a UX Designer: Learn How to Ace the Skills That Matter

This article explores the skills needed to become a successful UX designer, from technical skills such as understanding UX design tools, UI design tools, and technical writing, to soft skills
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person typing on MacBook Pro on brown wooden table during daytime photo

Tips to Keep in Mind Before Saying Yes to That Job Offer!

#JobOffer #JobAdvice Ready to make that leap? Before you #SayYes, here's a few handy tips to keep in mind!
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black laptop computer turned on on table

The Growing Demand for Tech Skills in Non-Tech Industries

Hey #nontechindustries, have you heard the news? Tech skills, such as coding, data analysis and Artificial Intelligence, are in demand everywhere now! Get ahead of the curve and upskill -
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man using MacBook

15 Tips To Ace Your Remote Job Interview – Guaranteed To Help You Land The Job!

Ready to take your remote job interview to the next level? Here are 15 tips
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person sitting in a chair in front of a man

Negotiating a Job Offer? Here’s How To Get What You Deserve

#JobNegotiations #SalaryNegotiations #JobOffer Don't take the first job offer you get - turn it into the one you WANT! Here's how to negotiate like a pro and get what you
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Discover The Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Work

Ready to work from home? Think you know all the pros and cons? Think again! Get the scoop on the benefits and drawbacks of remote work with this must-read article!
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person in blue long sleeve shirt using black Surface

Grow Your Team with Remote Employees: Tips and Risks to Consider

Wondering how to grow your team with remote employees? Check out the tips and risks to consider! #remoteworkers #remoteteam
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