Negotiating a Job Offer? Here’s How To Get What You Deserve

It can be intimidating to pick up the phone and start the conversation – but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some top tips from our team in order to help you negotiate a better job offer. Knowing the right mindset is essential to getting an offer you’re satisfied with. Keep in mind that the company you’re talking to is made up of people just like you, and their desire is to find the right fit. Companies get many applicants asking for improved terms, so it’s important to show them you are serious about wanting to accept the offer if they meet you halfway. Treat the hiring team how you’d like to be treated. The first step when negotiating a job offer is to benchmark your salary. Before doing this, it’s important to recognize that friends with similar experience might not always be reflective of the market. Do your research, and have a look at the State of the Software Developer Nation reports for South Africa and Netherlands for a more accurate idea of what’s standard in the industry. Additionally, try to determine the increase in salary you’re aiming to reach – generally between 10-15% is what employers expect. If you’re looking to exceed this amount, make sure you have the skills and qualifications to back it up. Once you have an overall understanding of the market and your desired salary, it’s time to get a full picture of the job offer from the company. This should begin with the interview process, where you make sure to ask for a mock payslip, understand potential benefits and get a good insight into the outlook for your role. When the time comes for the actual negotiation, it is helpful to go over both parties’ expectations once more. Check whether there are any mutually beneficial outcomes that you can both agree on. For example, asking for additional training opportunities or flexi-time, as well as increased holiday allowance and a relocation budget if necessary. Employers may also be open to offering bonuses or even stocks. Be aware of any red flags that come up during the negotiation process. If a hiring team won’t budge on their original offer, pay attention to the reasons they give. If they appear to be scared of being burnt by candidates who will play one offer against another, it’s probably best to pause the process and take a step back. Negotiating a job offer doesn’t need to bring about feelings of apprehension. It’s perfectly normal to try to get the best deal for yourself. Throughout this process, remain conscious of your employer’s needs and invest the time to do your research before you start the conversation. With this attitude, you’ll be able to land that job offer you dreamed of!One of the biggest mistakes you can make during a job offer negotiation is to forget about the soft benefits like culture, career path and support structure. These soft benefits can be just as important as the salary, so make sure that you truly understand all the benefits you’re receiving from the company. It can also be helpful to have a few backup options. You don’t want to come across as desperate or appear too eager for their job, but having a few other options to consider can give you more confidence during the negotiation process. This will also help in case negotiations fall through at the last minute. When negotiating a job offer, it’s important to stay within reasonable limits. If your expectations are too high, the employer may lose interest altogether. On the other hand, going too low can hurt your earning potential in the long term. Make sure to ask for something that the employer is likely to agree to, and don’t be afraid to stand firm. It’s also important to remember that there are no set rules when it comes to job offer negotiations. In some cases, employers may be willing to negotiate beyond the usual market rates for the right candidate, or may offer additional benefits in lieu of a salary increase. Stay open to creative solutions. Although it’s important to negotiate terms that benefit you, it’s also important to remember that you’re negotiating with an entire team. Be realistic and accommodating with your requests, and try to find a middle ground that both parties can agree on. At the end of the day, the goal is to come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Make sure you understand the job requirements and the employer’s expectations before entering into the negotiation process. This will ensure that everyone leaves the table feeling satisfied with the outcome. It’s also worth noting that the negotiation process doesn’t always have to happen face-to-face. Many employers are now using video conferencing to conduct interviews and negotiations, so if you’re uncomfortable with in-person meetings, this could be a great option for you. Take your time to prepare for the negotiation. Know your worth, do your research and make sure to practice beforehand. This will ensure that you remain calm and confident when making your case. Finally, remember to stay positive throughout the entire process. Try to make the conversation as pleasant as possible and avoid getting angry or frustrated. Negotiations are all about finding a solution that works best for both parties, and approaching them in an amicable manner is key. Negotiating a job offer can be intimidating, but with these tips, you’ll be able to navigate the situation like a pro. Prepare thoroughly, stay positive and show your employer that you understand the value you bring to their team. With the right attitude, you can get the job offer you deserve.